Creating Safe Places for Change

ChangeMaker Azucena Mena has begun a community project to organize women in Jocotepec to declare and combat gender-based violence.  Her group organized a public rally November 8th as a tribute to victims of femicide.  More than 50 young women are part of the group called “Somos Resiliencia” (We Are Resilient) which seeks to make the violence suffered by many women on a daily basis visible to everyone.  

Azucena, the program founder and director, explained that women are resilient despite everything that happens to them.  “We are strong; we overcome things.  This is how women have always been.  There are many more opportunities for men than for women in Jocotepec.  We hope to change that, as well as increasing awareness about violence against women.” 


Azucena’s group is putting its finger on the sore of internalized and structural violence exercised against women throughout history.  The sign they hold reads, “Women have a curfew every day.”

“We seek to create safe spaces for women because in Jocotepec there is nowhere to talk about issues such as sexuality, feminism, or the fight again sexism.  It is important that the women of the community have a place to meet, or simply form a group of women to help and support each other.”