ChangeMakers Lake Chapala

Our second week at the ChangeMaker’s huerto/garden in San Juan Cosala brought some new community members who wanted to participate:  Jaime Compatzin and his son.
Jaime and his family own a floral shop in San Juan Cosala, so plants naturally were or interest to him.  He also wanted to expose his son to a huerto and the art of growing plants.

Today our lessons were Conscious Garden Design, Seed Germination and Soil. We discussed which plants the group wanted to plant, if they were in need of full sun, partial shade/sun or full shade.  We also discussed if the group wanted a large community garden plot or individual plots.  They unanimously chose a large community garden design.

So many questions to be answered! How deep?  How long? How many seeds?  How much distance between plants? How do seeds germinate?  Under what conditions? How often to water?  How do you know if a plant needs water or is getting too much?  Do we water now or wait for the rain?  

We discussed it all as we worked!

See the complete Week 2 blog HERE

Watch for the video by Francisco coming to our facebook page soon!  We could really use “seed money” right now to purchase tools, hoses, gloves, and other gardening essentials! We are currently working with one shovel!

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